Andrei Avram | Software Engineer

Andrei Avram Software Engineer
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Interested in server, system, distributed, low-level, real-time, event-driven, embedded, desktop, big data software in C++, Go (also open to Rust, Erlang, C and maybe other languages), libraries, automated tasks.

14+ years experience, focused on back end development of scalable and maintainable applications, a follower of design patterns, SOLID principles, coding standards. I really enjoy being part of - and leading - teams.

I aim to grow in quality: architecture, design, performance, security, testing.

avramandrei [@] ymail [.] com+4 0742 419 423GitHubLinkedInBlog Download CVDownload resume


  • Software Engineer / Lead, Porsche Engineering - June 2020 - present
    - Solve problems, find design solutions, review code, implement and test features, measure performance, automate processes, mentor.
    - C++, Autonomous Driving
  • Senior Back End Developer / Technical Lead, Zenitech - April 2018 - September 2019
    - Led the team to better technical and agile process decisions. Improved performance through concurrency and by profiling to find resource leaks. Introduced decoupled design, highly increased unit testing coverage.
    - Go, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, DevOps, AWS
  • Senior Back End Developer / Technical Lead, Zonga Music (a Trilulilu company) - August 2015 - December 2017
    - Improved performance of a music streaming application by incrementally profiling, decoupling, and rewriting modules with a service-oriented and event-driven approach. Kept all systems alive at any time. Handled communication with technical partners, held interviews, and guided team members.
    - Architecture, PHP 5/7 (Custom/Phalcon), RPC, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Redis, Memcache, FFmpeg, Nginx, Docker, Linux, Bash, APIs, Microservices, Go
  • Senior Back End Developer, Trilulilu - April 2015 - March 2016
    - Developed architecture for mobile website and REST API. Reviewed and released all implementations.
    - PHP (Custom/Symfony), JavaScript, MySQL, Nginx, Linux, Docker
  • Back End Developer, AROBS Transilvania Software - April 2014 - March 2015
    - Implemented a REST API with unit testing, including database design and migration scripts from legacy system, for a hotel booking and management web application.
    - PHP (Symfony), MySQL
  • Web Developer, ZIT - October 2010 - March 2014
    - Developed front end and back end for web applications including e-commerce, payments, crawlers, CMS. Written a PHP framework which got to production.
    - PHP (Custom/Laravel), MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, APIs (Paypal, Facebook, Google Maps), PhoneGap
  • Web Developer, Freelancing - 2006 - 2014

Technologies and skills

  • C++, Go, PHP, JavaScript
  • SQL/NoSQL: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch
  • RabbitMQ, Redis, Memcache
  • REST, RPC, GraphQL services
  • DevOps, Docker, AWS, Jenkins
  • Unit and integration testing
  • Process automation (setup, build, CI, QA, code analysis)

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